Bhatara Ida Drive Cars
Paluang temple, has a variety of oddities and one of them there in the world. Where there are two strange buildings with car shape. When Ida Bhatara melancaran used car with keneknya of local manners
I think the uniqueness of Bali endlessly for almost ten years of proven track Tabloid Bali Aga stood up to now pretend that haunted still remains a lot, do not be surprised indeed if Bali is often referred to as the Island of Thousand Temples, Island of the Gods, and various other designations called Bali is so magical. In Nusa Penida was a lot of pretending that spread from east to west and some have none at all detected in because it's so mystical. Like the temple at Nusa Ceningan some time ago had loaded Tabloid Bali Aga. To get the news it must stay for three days the place is, given the many sources that should be sought relating to the temple.
Meanwhile, some time ago there Krama village informing Sebun Ibus there pelinggihnya temple where there are cars in it. The temple is located in the village of Karang Dawa, Nusa Penida in the most western area of Nusa Penida. To find the location of the harbor is Nusa Penida can be reached by motor vehicle for about 40 minutes. It was also the same people when invited there, because the streets are not so good asphalt with sand filled the streets is very difficult to pass. Armed with the description of manners, in addition to considerable curiosity, with some youths of the village transfer Sebun Ibus, finally the trip was no obstacle. Even up to the accident site Kelihan Reef Village Dawa, I Wayan party at his house.
Initially sought but not kelihan Bendesa customary village, but she happens not in the house even two Jro Mangku temple was not in his house because he is off to the fields.
We were invited directly to the site of the temple is located just above the high seas, with a fairly dense forest. Initially we were greeted by hundreds of monkeys that inhabit the area. The monkeys in the trees clinging juwet starting to bear fruit. Was not disturbed by the arrival of some vehicles, the monkeys were busy picking fruit that was there.
From the front of the temple building that seems to appear only a few month in rehab again by pangempon manners. With white sandstone, typical of Nusa Penida, the building is quite magnificent temple Paluang stand. When entering into jaba the temple, already seems clear magical aura, which characterizes ketengetan this temple. Imagine, this temple is located just above the steep cliff and on the outskirts of the village, which is quite far from residential manners Coral Dawa.
The next step was continued to the foot with the approval of the Central jaba Jro Kelihan Village. The new set foot into the middle jaba, a surprising thing to appear. Where the temple building is very unusual, very different from other celestial Nusa Penida, Bali Land and even in the world even if there is only one temple to the existing palinggih car.
But cars are not the real car but it's just a form of building palinggih to form a complete car with the wheels, the hood is made of stone padas. To note palinggih car to the east is shaped by the size of Jimmy's car and modern design of contemporary times. And in the middle area there are also shaped building palinggih car but this car is small. By repositioning the car shaped like a VW sedan. In addition to the existing building as common as taksu palinggih, padma, gedong and other palinggih.
According to Wayan Party, Pura Paluang has no inscription until now. But first he had no inscriptions, and have not had time to read is gone and has not been found until now. But the stories of ancestors in the village, he said, building a car has been in existence since time immemorial. "I do not know who made this car, but what is clear before any cars in Indonesia here already," said the man was 35 years.
Building was once a car is made by using wood that is formed in such a way to resemble a car. However, because the wood has begun loss does not eliminate the size, shape and design of the building renovation was repeated by using the stones in order to be more durable and long lasting.
Ida berstana Bhatara that Jimmy was in the car of Lord Ida Ratu Gede Ngurah and Hyang Mami. God knows who he is clear, he says it is the ancestral village of Karang Dawa manners very disungsung until now by about 80 families pangempon manners.
Medal with a Car When Grubug Krama So Keneknya
While in the shape sedan car palinggih There was also a malinggih Bhatara Ida is not clearly known but it is as clear of Lord who is the ancestor of manners.
At night, manners often heard the roar of a car at high speed toward the northwest. Other local manners even when asked to mention at night also seemed like a passing car with a loud roaring sound in light of the lamp is so bright. But it was only the roar of passing and running like a jet aircraft that has not looked back to where it goes.
But according to kelian village, the car is driven out directly by Ida Bhatara themselves with keneknya from the local village. But unfortunately, is now evidence that a person is already deceased kenek. Before he died he told me how he got himself into kenek. As an ordinary car, it needs a turn signal, brake and other things and even then viewed directly by the interpreter kenek who follow where the driver steer the wheel.
He said out of the car when there grubug in other areas where the purpose of this departure is to provide medical assistance by Ida Bhatara. Thus stated, here are also many people who came secretly to get immediate, grace to become a qualified pengusada.
For healers who want to sharpen their knowledge could have matirtayatra to this temple, or even to meditate. Because the atmosphere is very conducive to quiet meditation and conduct the activities of other religious rituals.
Hundreds rencang Bojog
Which adds to the awesomeness of this temple is a form of ancient statues are very strange. There was only his head, his body just stayed there. This occurs because the movement of the earth continues to erode things like this.
As with other ostensibly as a security guard must have the abstract of this temple. Mention hundreds of monkeys that mentioned above is rerencangan him. But not all of them.
The monkeys have seemed strange, they do not go to the court of the temple but the temple dwell panyengker around an area of approximately 50 acres. While looking for small fruits, the monkeys seem to continue to monitor the movements of manners that come to the temple.
Odd Gong
In addition to the awesomeness and weirdness earlier temple, Wayan Party also mentioned under the east of this temple there is a peculiar cave. Arbitrary manners could not come to this place.
He said that there are caves in the waist of this gap can not be passed directly descended from this temple, because it is directly next to the temple cliff, just covered with shrubs and trees to shade juwet, up to the edge of the cliff was not visible. To get this location is usually bypassed by walking on the western edge of the sea through a travel distance of up to two hours over the length of the local village.
In this cave he said there was a strange case in which there is a complete set of gambelan gong is even complete. Formed using stone padas. He estimated they had been there over 500 years old. In addition to the rock gong there also a statue of the person who was holding like they're megambel gamelan.
Are they used to be true, maybe curse or something, which obviously this one did not dare kelian conclusion like that. But also very strange because once haunted. Gambarnyapun unfortunately can not be taken as accidental as it edges up to the sea was not able dilalui.8 kebek
About Pura
Name: Temple Paluang
Stana: Ida Ratu Gede Ngurah Bhatara and Hyang Mami
Address: Village of coral Dawa, west Nusa Penida
Piodalan: Tumpek Krulut
Pangempon: 80 KK (2008)
Mangku: Mangku Setiawan and Mangku Flares
In pugar: in 2007
Kelihan Village: Wayan Party
Uniqueness: This temple contains a car-shaped building which is currently using Mobil melancaran Ida Bhatara
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