On August 3rd 2013, we are honored by the visit of Mr. Grant Pereira of The Green Volunteers and Asian Geographic Society, together with Mr. Shaun Tan Ming Shyan of National University of Singapore and Rotaract of Singapore West, in keeping their promise to KPNP and the people of Banjar Limo Nusa Penida to support the Gong Kebyar Alit (The kids gamelan troop) by giving them sets of uniform :)
Menepati janjinya pada KPNP dan Masyarakat Banjar Limo - Nusa Penida, Mr. Grant Pereira dari The Green Volunteers dan Asian Geographic Society bersama dengan Mr. Shaun Tan Ming Shyan dari National University Of Singapore dan Rotaract Singapore Barat, berkunjung sembari membawakan set seragam untuk mendukung Gong Kebyar Alit Banjar Limo - Nusa Penida.
We also managed to discuss future program for the betterment of Nusa Penida, on that particular discussion we put notes to build a public library for the children and nature learning center, sort of walking path with fruit, herbs, sample of organic garbage disposal system,etc, in order to share and build an environmental awareness start from the early age as possible.
Most probably starting May next year, Mr. Pereira will bring his Green Volunteers troop to our island for the programs being discussed.
Pada kesempatan ini, kami juga berhasil membicarakan program-program lanjutan yang bisa dikerjakan bersama untuk kemajuan Nusa Penida, diantaranya adalah membangun perpustakaan umum bagi anak-anak dan juga jalur pembelajaran alam, yang berisi pepohonan buah, bahan dapur/apotik hidup dan juga system pengelolaan sampah organik yang semuanya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pemeliharaan alam, ditanamkan sebisa mungkin dar usia yang sedini mungkin.
One method that KPNP suggest to all contributors, is to give direct to the villages needed, be that financial contributions or others, this kind of method is to eliminate any ill feel, suspicions, or any irresponsible comment made by those irresponsible mouth. Of course villages that may received such contribution, will set up a transparency board for all to see, on those transparency board we can see how much donation being received in what form and the description of how the contributions is being used.
Satu metode yang KPNP sarankan bagi seluruh kontributor, adalah memberikan langsung bantuan-bantuan yang akan diberikan pada desa yang dituju, baik itu berupa bantuan finansial atau bentuk bantuan yang lainnya, langsung tanpa perantara, metode ini digunakan agar tidak ada lagi kecurigaan, komentar-komentar miring yang tak bertanggung jawab berasal dari mulut-mulut yang juga tidak bertanggung jawab. Tentunya desa yang akan menerima bantuan-bantuan seperti ini dikemudian hari, akan membuat PAPAN TRANSPARANSI, papan ini berfungsi memberitakan segala jenis bantuan yang masuk, dan bagaimana bantuan itu digunakan, transparan karena papan ini dapat dilihat oleh seluruh orang yang berkepentingan atau merasa berkepentingan untuk melihatnya.
The two honored guest is also a great example of how and what sort of tourism the island expect, the mutual respect for art, culture, environment and spirituality, a quite harmonious blend.
Kedua tamu terhormat ini juga merupakan contoh pelancong yang baik yang cocok bagi pulau kita tercinta ini, yakni pelacong pariwisata yang saling menghormati, seni, budaya, lingkungan dan spiritualitas.
Herewith a short profile of Mr. Grant Pereira as quoted from National Geography
Grant Pereira is an inspirational figure in the Singapore’s
environmental scene: more than 30 years of active involvement in both
environmental and social issues, founder of Green Volunteers in Singapore,
that counts on more than 5,000 volunteers who have planted more than
250,000 trees in the ASEAN region.
Grant is also really active in the conservation efforts of the Asian Elephants and
the Orangutans, and volunteers at local schools, teaching students about the
environment and leading them on meaningful hands-on projects.
Grant was one of the first nature guides certified and registered by the
Singapore Tourism Board, specializing in Nature Adventures in the ASEAN
region. One of his most notable awards was in the “Greenleaf Award” in 2000,
which was the highest environmental award given to an individual, presented by
the Ministry of Environment. Another award was the “Life Inspiration Award”
from Mayor Zainul Abidin Rasheed of the North East CDC, in recognition for the
work he did with young people, inspiring them to be more aware of their
environment and make efforts to improve it.
On a more international scale, he sits on the International Board of Advisors for
the Seashepherd Conservation Society.
by: KPNP Team
Menepati janjinya pada KPNP dan Masyarakat Banjar Limo - Nusa Penida, Mr. Grant Pereira dari The Green Volunteers dan Asian Geographic Society bersama dengan Mr. Shaun Tan Ming Shyan dari National University Of Singapore dan Rotaract Singapore Barat, berkunjung sembari membawakan set seragam untuk mendukung Gong Kebyar Alit Banjar Limo - Nusa Penida.
We also managed to discuss future program for the betterment of Nusa Penida, on that particular discussion we put notes to build a public library for the children and nature learning center, sort of walking path with fruit, herbs, sample of organic garbage disposal system,etc, in order to share and build an environmental awareness start from the early age as possible.
Most probably starting May next year, Mr. Pereira will bring his Green Volunteers troop to our island for the programs being discussed.
Pada kesempatan ini, kami juga berhasil membicarakan program-program lanjutan yang bisa dikerjakan bersama untuk kemajuan Nusa Penida, diantaranya adalah membangun perpustakaan umum bagi anak-anak dan juga jalur pembelajaran alam, yang berisi pepohonan buah, bahan dapur/apotik hidup dan juga system pengelolaan sampah organik yang semuanya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pemeliharaan alam, ditanamkan sebisa mungkin dar usia yang sedini mungkin.
One method that KPNP suggest to all contributors, is to give direct to the villages needed, be that financial contributions or others, this kind of method is to eliminate any ill feel, suspicions, or any irresponsible comment made by those irresponsible mouth. Of course villages that may received such contribution, will set up a transparency board for all to see, on those transparency board we can see how much donation being received in what form and the description of how the contributions is being used.
Satu metode yang KPNP sarankan bagi seluruh kontributor, adalah memberikan langsung bantuan-bantuan yang akan diberikan pada desa yang dituju, baik itu berupa bantuan finansial atau bentuk bantuan yang lainnya, langsung tanpa perantara, metode ini digunakan agar tidak ada lagi kecurigaan, komentar-komentar miring yang tak bertanggung jawab berasal dari mulut-mulut yang juga tidak bertanggung jawab. Tentunya desa yang akan menerima bantuan-bantuan seperti ini dikemudian hari, akan membuat PAPAN TRANSPARANSI, papan ini berfungsi memberitakan segala jenis bantuan yang masuk, dan bagaimana bantuan itu digunakan, transparan karena papan ini dapat dilihat oleh seluruh orang yang berkepentingan atau merasa berkepentingan untuk melihatnya.
The two honored guest is also a great example of how and what sort of tourism the island expect, the mutual respect for art, culture, environment and spirituality, a quite harmonious blend.
Kedua tamu terhormat ini juga merupakan contoh pelancong yang baik yang cocok bagi pulau kita tercinta ini, yakni pelacong pariwisata yang saling menghormati, seni, budaya, lingkungan dan spiritualitas.
Herewith a short profile of Mr. Grant Pereira as quoted from National Geography
Grant Pereira is an inspirational figure in the Singapore’s
environmental scene: more than 30 years of active involvement in both
environmental and social issues, founder of Green Volunteers in Singapore,
that counts on more than 5,000 volunteers who have planted more than
250,000 trees in the ASEAN region.
Grant is also really active in the conservation efforts of the Asian Elephants and
the Orangutans, and volunteers at local schools, teaching students about the
environment and leading them on meaningful hands-on projects.
Grant was one of the first nature guides certified and registered by the
Singapore Tourism Board, specializing in Nature Adventures in the ASEAN
region. One of his most notable awards was in the “Greenleaf Award” in 2000,
which was the highest environmental award given to an individual, presented by
the Ministry of Environment. Another award was the “Life Inspiration Award”
from Mayor Zainul Abidin Rasheed of the North East CDC, in recognition for the
work he did with young people, inspiring them to be more aware of their
environment and make efforts to improve it.
On a more international scale, he sits on the International Board of Advisors for
the Seashepherd Conservation Society.
by: KPNP Team
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