Nusa Penida, In the Hindu religion there is a ceremony called otonan ceremony. In the Panca Yadnya, the ceremony is included in the ceremony to human Yadnya done to humans. The ceremony can be likened to a sort of warning otonan birthday (anniversary of birth).
Otonan ceremony performed every 210 days (6 months Hinduism, Hindu 1 month = 35 days). It is based on the calculation Saptawara (Redite, Soma, Anggara, Buda, Wraspati, Sukra, Saniscara), pancawara (Umanis, Paing, Pon, Wage, Kliwon), and Wuku the number 30 (1 wuku valid for 1 week / 7 days) . So for example the birth of a person is Soma Paing, wuku Menail, then it will be celebrated otonan each Soma Paing, wuku Menail that comes every 210 days.
According to the Chronicle otonan ceremony aims to make up for the errors and evils past, so in this life attain a more perfect life. Banten or upakara (offerings) is used Prayascita, Parurubayan, Jajanganan, Tataban, Squeeze, Lis, Banten pesaksi to bale agung (Ajuman), Sajen Sajen off the ground and kumara. Especially for the first time otonan, normally somewhat different as there are hair-cutting ceremony for the first time.
Otonan was first done of course when a baby is exactly 210 days old and will continue to be repeated throughout his lifetime. For the second and subsequent otonan usually simpler than ever before. But if otonan usually coinciding with the full moon will be made more festive (usually with pork roll).
The procedure of the ceremony according BabadBali otonan are as follows:
• Pandita / Pinandita as worship leaders ceremony to invoke the testimony against Hyang Widhi Wasa with all its manifestations.
• Worship of Shiva Raditya (Suryastawa).
• Respect for ancestors.
• Worship at the cutting hair (hair cut). This was done the first time, for the next otonan not done.
• Worship at otonan and worship.
Than as described above, the ceremony also serves as otonan gratitude presented to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi for any blessing given, and there is also a belief that by the time the ceremony otonan, God in manifestation as Sang Hyang Dumadi ("spirit of the people who otonan") will be present and given thanksgiving for gifts.
The whole series of ceremonies is performed at home (usually in the "bale delod") and led by Pinandita / Stakeholders / person who is considered the oldest in the family.
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