Peta Nusa Penida
Di bawah ini adalah peta Nusa Penida,
lengkap dengan desa-desa penting di seluruh Nusa Penida. Jika anda berencana berkunjung
ke Nusa Penida melalui jalan darat, mungkin ada baiknya jika anda membawa peta Nusa
Penida, sehingga tahu nama-nama daerah yang akan anda lalui. Terlebih-lebih
jika ada rencana untuk tour keliling Nusa Penida, tentulah peta Nusa Penida
wajib ada di tangan anda.
Silahkan di copy lalu di simpan di
tablet, sehingga bisa anda buka sewaktu-waktu selama dalam perjalanan, atau di
print di atas kertas jika anda tidak membawa gadget.
Map of Nusa Penida
Below is a map of Nusa Penida, complete with important villages around Nusa Penida.
If you plan to visit to Nusa Penida by road, it might be worthwhile if you bring
a map Nusa Penida, so know the names of the area you are going through. Particularly
if there are plans to tour around Nusa Penida, Nusa Penida shall surely map is
in your hands.
Please copy and stored on the tablet, so that you can open at any time during the trip, or printed on paper if you do not carry the gadget.
Please copy and stored on the tablet, so that you can open at any time during the trip, or printed on paper if you do not carry the gadget.
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