Monday 15 October 2012

Diving Nusa Penida – Sental

Diving Bali – Sental
Level: Experienced
Dive Entry: Boat entry, simple roll back.
Water temperature: 19-28 depending on the time of year
Visibility: 15 - 30+ meters
Conditions: Unpredictable currents
Sental Marine Life:
Big schools of fish, pelagics, moray eels, lion fish, butterfly fish, scorpion fish, blue spotted sting rays, nudibranchs, reef sharks, turtles and sunfish during season.
Sental Details:
A healthy reef lines the whole of the north coast of Nusa Penida and right in the center of it is the dive site of Sental. The shallow coral here was damaged during El Nino but has recovered nicely; the deep slope which stretches down to 15-20 meters is particularly nice with good growth and hard corals. Some of these remarkable corals grow to five meters or more and in the deeper areas beyond 25 meters, the wire corals appear to form an impressive forest.
As with most sites on Nusa Penida, Sental is a popular place to find the big fish with reef sharks sighted at deeper depths and sunfish found here during season.
Sental Recommendations
If you want to see sunfish, try coming in early August or October to avoid the crowds.

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