Friday 24 August 2012

Puncak Mundi Temple

In this area there is also a fairly extensive Wantilan. Appropriate procedure here praying, praying first held in Beji Tempel which is located approximately 400 meters to the east of the temple summit next mundi worship both the Dalem Tempel cage adjacent to Puncak Mundi Tempel, then the Puncak Mundi Temple.

Pucak Bukit Mundi Temple

Agung is the temple Upgrading the jaba, jaba middle and offal (the inside) There is little difference from other temples where the temple is the center jaba jeroannya wider area itself. There are many good bale pekemitan jaba jaba side or in the middle. Common worship here. At the temple, there are still dozens of peaks Mundi monkeys were pretty fierce so we must be careful with our belongings.
Usually the more common, Tangkil sequence in Nusa Penida, praying in Puncak Mundi implemented prior to the Dalem ped Temple. Exactly at 12.00 showed Puncak Mundi praying in the temple is completed, and we are taking an afternoon nap while enjoying lunch at Wantilan temple.

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