Thursday, 30 August 2012

Galungan & Kuningan day

 Galungan is the biggest feast of Hindus in Bali where the Galungan Hindus perform ritual ceremony as the embodiment of devotion to God Almighty and Galungan is a victory day Dharma against Adharma or good versus evil.

A series of Galungan and Kuningan actually quite long. In this article let's talk a few points only. For Hari Raya Brass were falling on 10 days after Galungan.
What Points during the celebration of Galungan & Kuningan:
In a series of Galungan celebrations there are some interesting things we can find. If and holiday to Nusa Penida in a series of Galungan, you will get a real atmosphere of Nusa Penida. Along the way you will be presented that makes penjor lined street views so bad religious.
There was also the girls took pajegan clustered. It tertama those who want to enjoy a holiday with a thick atmosphere of calm and peace to the spiritual and Nusa Penida is the Best.

Talking about Hindu culture, Hindu society especially in the island of Bali will celebrate Galungan and brass. This ceremony is a ritual handed down from generation to generation. And to this day, it remains a sacred ritual performed. How wonderful when the culture is maintained and well understood by all Hindus.
Meaning Galungan
meaning of Galungan ceremony is a sacred ceremony that gives spiritual strength to be able to distinguish between life force coming from adharma and which budhi atma is the voice of truth (dharma) in man.

It also gives the ability to discern trends karaksasaan (asura sampad) and orientation deity (god sampad). It must be realized that life is happy or emo life has the ability to master the trend keraksasaan.
Galungan is bringing together the core of spiritual strength in order to get a clear mind and establishment. Spiritual union and the bright minds here in the form of dharma. While all the chaos that thought (byaparaning eyelash) is a form of adharma. From conception ejection is obtained Sunarigama conclusion that the nature of Galungan is celebrating the triumph of dharma against adharma.
Meaning of Kuningan day
Hari Raya Brass comes ten days after Galungan. It is a holy day, in which the ancestors who after a few moments with the family once again presented with offerings in the farewell ceremony to return to stananya respectively. In Brass uses upakara offerings that contain symbols Tamiang and endongan, where meaning Tamiang has the symbol of protection and also symbolizes the wheels are reminiscent of human nature to the laws of nature. If the public is not able to adjust to nature, or do not obey the laws of nature, the risk will get run over by the wheels of nature. Therefore, through this celebration of the people should be able to rebuild a harmonious life (hita) in accordance with the goal of Hinduism. While the meaning is endongan supplies. Bekal ultimate in living life is a science and devotion (jnana). While the most powerful weapon is peace of mind. The celebration also meant that people always remember the Creator, Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa and appreciate his gifts. Through this celebration also prosecuted people always remember menyamabraya, promote unity and social solidarity. In addition, through rerahinan people are expected to always remember the settings that create harmony of the universe and its contents.

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